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Registration for the “76 Trombones” project

The 3rd school and family concert 76 Trombones at Graz Opera (on May 14 & 18, 2025) offers trombonists of all ages and playing levels the unique opportunity to perform on the main stage of Graz Opera. The aim of the event is to emphasize the versatility of the trombone and to present music from various styles in different formations and levels of difficulty.

You can send us your registration by March 31, 2025 using the form under “Registration”.

For legal reasons, participants under the age of 14 are required to submit a medical certificate and a written declaration of consent from their parents or legal guardians. Participation is only possible with these documents!
Please attach the relevant completed documents to the registration form.

Registration form and download of the documents to be completed in the “Registration” section.
Download the sheet music to prepare for the concert in the “Download sheet music” section.

Alle Informationen zur Teilnahme am Schul- und Familienkonzert “76 Trombones” in der Oper Graz:


Für Teilnehmer:innen unter 14 Jahren ist aus rechtlichen Gründen die Vorlage einer ärztlichen Bescheinigung sowie die schriftliche Einverständniserklärung der Erziehungsberechtigten erforderlich.

Nur mit diesen Unterlagen ist eine Teilnahme möglich!

Alle Daten und die entsprechenden ausgefüllten Dokumente bitte bis 31. März 2025 über das Anmeldeformular dem Team der Oper Graz zukommen lassen.

Formulare zum Download:


Zustimmung des gesetzlichen Vertreters_Trombones



    Youtube videos

    Here is a brief insight into the pieces that will be performed together at the school and family concert at Graz Opera House.

    Thus spoke Zarathustra

    Pastime with good Company


    Amazing Grace

    76 Trombones

    Smoke on the Water